Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Starting my treatment

So, for a week now I have been prepping my skin by scrubbing it and using some naturally moisturizing oils and a specific stretch mark cream. But that is not of big importance because that doesn't change things much, maybe just a little.
I am also taking some vitamins like fish oil 2x and Perfectil. Used to take vitamin E, but somehow I don't think I should take it again.

So about the areas of my stretch marks...They are on the outer butt cheeks and a little on my outer thigh.
Mostly they are white lines, not longer than 5cm. But as I've been shedding some weight lately I've noticed some new lines along which are pink and indented, also on the back of thighs. Mostly they are invisible now, but I want to start my treatment as fast as I can so they would smoothen out.

At this point I have to say that I am no doctor or health specialist that knows everything and anything about the theme "Stretch marks", but I've done my research to try to the best I can on my own.

Actually, my dermatologist said nothing concrete and didn't even mention dermarolling when I was visiting. And as I said before I really do think that this is still an open sphere where you can fight on your own and do the most research and find the most amount of published clinical studies.

I have read so many articles, seen so many pictures with before and after of different treatments (of course those could be photoshopped btw) and read so many different reviews on this procedure. But you'll never learn and know how it actually works until you try it yourself.

I have to say that I am aware of the issues that come with treating any kind of skin imperfections, meaning- you have to know your skin type, the elasticity of your skin and how fast it heals and I guess you have to be pretty sure why your stretch marks appeared in the first place to know how to act in the future.

I still have to do some ordering on vitamin C, ret. A, some numbing creams and I guess I'll just look up for some other beneficial creams or oils that can help me during my journey.
And I also used Skinception for a while, but didn't notice anything good, but maybe it was just a too short of period to judge.

For now, best regards Daisy

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